


Glabrous or pubescent, perennial or annual herbswith erect, ascending, procumbent or creeping, oftenrooting, usually much branched non-flowering shoots, rarely rosulate or forming dense rosette;

根部 通常纖維質,很少有塊莖,(?)

R usually fibrous, rarely tuberous or as tapR;

莖部 通常硬質次加厚(這個詞不好懂),有時在基部稍微木質化,很少有明顯的木質化和加厚或地下塊莖

stems usually hardly secondarily thickened, sometimes slightly woody at the base, rarely distinctly woody and conspicuously thickened or as subterranean caudex

(= Rstock);

葉片 互生,有時對立或3-4片成螺旋狀,無柄固著或很少數次葉柄(?)或葉柄,多肉並通常圓桶或半/次圓桶,少數平,帶有單一離軸(abaxial)端部排水器且完整葉緣(這還要觀察),開花枝在頂端或少數葉腋,通常直立或上升

L alternate, sometimes opposite or in whorls of 3 or 4, sessile or rarely semi petiolate or petiolate, succulent and usually terete or semi- or subterete, rarely flat, with a single abaxial apical

hydathode and entire margins; flowering Br terminal or rarely axillary, usually erect or ascending;

花序 通常多花聚鏾,傘狀,或帶有多蠍尾的複合花序,少數簡單少花聚鏾或傘狀花序。

Inf often many-flowered cymes, corymbs, or compound Inf consisting of many cincinni, less often simple few-flowered cymes or corymbs;

苞葉 通常存在,每朵花有1或2,通常像葉片

Bra usually present, 1 or 2 per Fl, often L-like;

花朵 通常五瓣,極少數3或4瓣或6-12瓣,通常外輪對瓣(雄蕊是花瓣的兩倍,外圈對著花半)但有時單倍雄蕊(=花瓣數),無柄或有次花梗

Fl usually 5-merous, rarely 3- or 4-merous or 6- to 12-merous, generally obdiplostemonous but sometimes haplostemonous, sessile or pedicellate;

萼片 綠色,廣無柄或自由且馬刺附著,等長或極不等長,通常小於花瓣

Sep green, broadly sessile or free and spurred, equal or strongly unequal, usually smaller than the Pet;

花瓣 黃色、白色、粉紅、紫色或紅色,通常獨立,或少數基部同生,有時1/3到3/2同生,花期通常開展但有時直立,通常帶有一明顯的常紅龍骨和背部接近頂端附著,通常在整個葉緣上(這個詞也還要觀察)。

Petal yellow, white, pink, purple or reddish, generally free or basally slightly connate, sometimes connate for  1/3 or 2/3, usually spreading during anthesis but sometimes erect, often with a distinct frequently reddish keel and a dorsal subapical appendage, usually with entire margins;

花絲 通常與花瓣同色並光亮,有時基部有纖毛,雖然上位(epipatalus)雄蕊與花瓣經常在基部同生,少數會與花瓣溶合一相當的長度,短於花瓣

Filament generally concolorous with the Pet and glabrous, sometimes basally papillate, generally free, though the epipetalous St often basally connate with the Pet, rarely fused with the Pet for a considerable length, shorter than the Pet;

花藥 球體型或長橢圓,黃色到紅色或暗紫,有時白色或粉紅

Anthes globose or oblong, yellow to red or dark purple, sometimes whitish or pinkish;

NSc oblong, square, transversely oblong, cuneate or spatulate, generally whitish, sometimes yellow or red;

Ca usually sessile with a broad base and slightly connate at the base, less frequently completely free, rarely stipitate;

花柱 通常1mm,細長並在花期後彎,不常短小,柱頭無柄

Style often ± 1 mm, slender and recurved during anthesis, less frequently short and Sti ± sessile;

Fr erect, suberect or stellate-patent without lips along the ventral suture or stellate-patent with distinct lips bordering the ventral suture;

種子 通常1mm,卵形到橢圓形,

Seed usually ± 1 mm, ovoid to ellipsoid, testa costate, bipapillate, reticulate or reticulate-papillose.


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