
圖1 ICN上面里昂斯的照片

里昂斯Echeveria lyonsii Kimnash, 2007, 看這學名就知道是一種發表在2007年的新品種,命名者是金那許,以另外一個共同發現者的名字為名Lyons, 國內有個農場引進這個品種(是否為第一個我就不清楚),流通的名字是「龍司」,也是取音譯(但譯得有點奇怪)。

圖2 我手邊的里昂斯,葉片似乎還未成熟穩定(也有可能不是里昂斯)。

圖3 ICN上面取下來的里昂斯花序:雙岔,花朵粉紅橙。


在偶然發現這個品種後40年的2007年,金那許在美國的期刊Cactus and Succulent Journal 上發表了這品多肉,這品肉的名稱來自於首先注意這個品種的Gary Lyons, 植株來自於1971在Huntington收集到的樣本中一個根部懸掛著的品種,它具有染有紫色、有粉末的多肉植物,匙形的葉片,與其他品種不同的雙岔花序上帶粉紅橘的花朵。

Described in the Cactus and Succulent Journal in 2007 some 40 years after its fortuitous discovery, this species is finally ready for introduction. It is named for Gary Lyons who noticed it dangling by its roots from a just-collected Hechtia while on a Huntington expedition in 1971. Its purplish-tinged, glaucous rosettes of succulent, spathulate leaves and bifid inflorescences of pinkish-orange flowers distinguish it from other species and make it worthy of introduction.

圖3 個人收集到的里昂斯,網路上以學名去搜尋,也大多是找到類似這個品相的植株。


植株 增生性(這個特性到底指的是哪一個特性,我還不是很清楚。由花或末端產生新芽或邊芽?牛津字典上面的解釋:(Of a plant) producing buds or side shoots from a flower or other terminal part)

Plant proliferous.

莖部 六公分以上,厚度8-10毫米,帶有棕色、水平、透鏡(雙凹)的葉痕。(老爹按:這要等植株再老一些些,才有辦法看到。)

Stem to 6 cm tall or more, 8 – 10 mm thick, with brown, horizontal, lenticular leaf-scars.

蓮座 11-14公分寬。

Rosette 11 – 14 cm wide.

圖4. 葉片匙形,在葉緣內彎處可以看得出來,葉端上的白推測是碰觸的結果,應該不是里昂斯的特徵。

葉片 向上到水平,匙形,尖銳,6-7公分長,頂部下2-2.5公分最寬的部分:17-19毫米寬,中間17毫米,基部近7毫米,大部分2-2.5毫米厚,基底近4毫米厚,葉面下方外凸且有鈍鈍的龍骨,葉面上方前半部內凹,紫灰色,稍有粉末。(老爹按:這些描述似乎是根據類似圖1的植株來的)

Leaves ascending to horizontal, spatulate, acute, 6 – 7 cm long, 17 – 19 mm wide at widest part 2 – 2.5 cm from apex, 17 mm wide at middle, ca. 7 mm wide near base, mostly 2 – 2.5 mm thick, ca. 4 mm thick near base, convex and bluntly keeled on lower surface, concave along upper half of upper surface, purplish gray, lightly glaucous.

圖5. 網路上找到的花序照片。

開花梗 分開成2-5支、有時還會三個以下的第二分支,主花梗25-45公分長,灰中帶粉紅,稍有粉,苞葉22-24片,間距1.5到3公分,向上,窄橢圓─線性,尖銳,..., 2-8蠍尾,不分岔,3-17朵花,每對花朵之間有次苞葉...顏色像葉片和苞葉,次花梗小於2毫米。(我刪除了一些說明)

Flowering stems 2 – 5 parted, sometimes with up to three additional secondary branches, peduncle ca. 25 – 45 cm long, ca. 5 mm thick near base, ca. 4 mm thick just below first cincinnus, pinkish gray, lightly glaucous, bracts 22 – 24, attached ca. 1.5 – 3 cm apart, ascending, the lower ones slightly recurving on apical half, narrowly elliptical-linear, acute, 22 – 35 mm long, 5 – 7 mm wide, 3 – 4 mm thick, cincinni 2 – 8 per flowering stem, 4 – 16 cm long, unbranched, 3 – 17 flowered, rachis 1.2 – 2 mm thick, flowers ca. 5 – 10 mm apart, bracteoles 1 between each pair of flowers, oblong-elliptical, acute, 6 – 10 mm long, 3 – 4 mm wide, 1.5 – 2 mm thick, colored like the leaves and bracts, pedicels less than 2 mm long, ca. 1.5 mm thick.

圖6. ICN上面的花朵特寫。

花朵: 萼片向上,卵形─橢圓,尖銳,花冠有明顯的彎角,花瓣 線性─披針,尖銳,粉紅橘,尖部較暗,花藥暗黃色。

Flowers : Sepals ascending, ovate-elliptical, acute, 2 – 5 mm long, 1 – 2 mm wide, 0.5 – 1.75 mm thick,corolla ± straight-sided (?), strongly angled, petals linear-lanceolate, acute, ca. 9 mm long, pinkish orange, darker near apex, the apex expanding to 45°, anthers pale yellow.



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