照片1 常見的黑法師
Biennial or mostly perennial, densely to few branched or single-stemmed, sometimes monocarpic subshrubs or single or caespitose, subacaulescent rosette plants;
照片2. 明鏡和姬明鏡,葉片上面和葉緣都是纖毛。
根部 纖維質
R fibrous;
照片3. 八月的黑法師,葉片群能維持這種狀況已經不錯,推測是莖部夠粗才能提供葉片群相當的支撐。
枝幹 通常上升,團狀或扭曲,光亮或微細毛,平滑或具有網紋,有時會有明顯的葉斑
Br often ascending, partly in groups or tortuous, glabrous or puberulent (densely hirsute in A. smithii), smooth or with reticulate pattern, often with distinct leaves scars;
蓮座 平坦,新葉緊密相接,或稍微直立,或成杯狀,通常球狀,且乾季會緊緊的包覆。
Ros flattish flattish with inner L tightly appressed to each other or ± erect, or rather cup-shaped, often ± globose and tightly closed during dry season;
照片4. 褐斑法師。
照片5. 鏡獅子,它的葉片相當的肥厚,夏天也不掉葉。
葉片 簡單,無柄且基底寬厚,肉質到明顯的多肉,螺旋狀,倒卵形或倒卵匙形,偶有卵形,橢圓形或倒風箏形(類似卵形但邊角比較明顯,這種形態我沒有特別去注意到),葉端尖銳、尖長、圓滑、有尾或淺凹,葉基楔形、極少數漸尖形,(這兩者的差異在楔形更尖銳、瘦長),綠色或黃綠色,有時會有粉紅或紅色的變異,光亮,成熟時會變亮或平,或帶纖毛,帶粉或黏質,通常光亮,葉緣帶有明顯直線或前彎,珠形或圓錐形單細胞纖毛(這有點不知道是什麼)
L simple, sessile with a broad base, fleshy to distinctly succulent, spirally arranged, often obovate or obovate-spatulate, occasionally ovate, elliptic or trullate, apically acute, acuminate or rounded, caudate or retuse, basally cuneate or rarely distinctly attenuate, green or yellowish-green, often variously pinkish or reddish variegated, glabrous, glabrate or pubescent, sometimes glaucous or viscid, occasionally glossy, margins often with distinct ± straight or forwardcurved, bead-shaped or conical unicellular Ha (= cilia);
花序 尾端(A.simsii開在基部),通常半球狀,橢圓,或圓錐,總花梗很明顯,帶有密厚的葉片。
Inf terminal (from basal Ros axils in A. simsii), often semiglobose, ovoid or conical, peduncle distinct, often densely leafy;
Perl 1 - 16 mm, glabrous, puberulent or distinctly pubescent;
Fl (6- to) 7-to 12- (to 16-) or 18- to 32-merous, 12 - 25 mm 0;
Sep fleshy, basally connate, glabrous or pubescent;
Pet free, spreading or slightly recurved, often lanceolate or oblanceolate, occasionally obovate, commonly acute or acuminate, pale to deep yellow or whithish and then often variously reddish variegated;
St 2x as many as Pet;
Fil free, filiform, glabrous or puberulent;
Anth cylindrical, variously yellow;
NSc 0.5 - 1.5 x 0.3 - 1.2 mm, square or oblong, cuneate, sometimes absent;
Ca as many as Pet, sometimes distinctly immersed in the Rec, glabrous or often with some glandular Ha;
Se papillate or most often costate, brownish.