照片1. 蝴蝶之舞的花序。
Perennial succulent shrublets to shrubs, rarely small trees, perennial to biennial or rarely annual succulent herbs, terrestrial to rarely epiphytic,
照片2. 泰迪熊兔也是屬於伽藍菜屬。
根部 纖維質到少數加厚成塊莖
R fibrous or rarely thickened to tuberous;
莖部 直立或匍匐,肉質或基部的部分木質化,通常具有分株;
stems erect or often procumbent, fleshy or sometimes woody towards the base, generally branched;
葉片 有柄到無柄,通常十字對生,有時互生或輪生,極少數玫瑰形(?),每一對葉獨立、或稍微接合到基部廣泛同生,葉柄有時會抱莖,薄片全部具有相當深的凹槽,或3-薄葉或羽狀5-薄葉,有時從基部到頂部的形狀和大小會有差異,通常成平面,葉緣成圓鉅齒狀、往前或後的鉅齒狀或正鉅齒狀,極少完整,肉質─多肉質,平面,很少成圓柱形,持續性或落葉性,有時在邊緣上有球芽。
L petiolate to sessile, usually opposite and decussate, sometimes alternate or verticillate, rarely subrosulate, those within a pair free or slightly fused to broadly connate basally, petiole sometimes ± broadly amplexicaul, lamina entire or ± deeply incised, or 3-foliate or pinnately 5-fo1iate, sometimes ± variable in shape and size from base to top, usually flat, margins usually crenate, serrate or dentate, rarely entire, fleshy-succulent, flat or rarely ± terete, persistent or deciduous, sometimes with bulbils along the margins;
花序 末端,極少數腋生,少花到多花;傘狀花序(花朵上緣成一平面),聚繖花序,到圓錐花序,聚傘狀圓錐花序,由聚繖花序組成,有些帶有球芽
Inf terminal, rarely axillary, few- to many-flowered, corymbose, cymose to paniculate, sometimes thyrsoid, composed of cymes, sometimes with bulbils;
總花梗 通常存在,有時會逐漸從葉片下方到短苞葉在延伸到花朵
peduncle usually present, often with a gradual transition from L below to shorter Bra subtending the Fl;
花朵 4-瓣,直立或垂吊,混合著開展的花朵,有小花梗,亮色。
FI 4-merous, erect or pendent, often mixed with spreading Fl, pedicellate, usually brightly coloured;
Cal shorter than or sometimes equalling the Cl tube,
Sep free, or ± distinctly connate towards the base, or forming a long tube (sometimes ± inflated) with shorter lobes; Cl of united Pet forming a ± long tube with erect, spreading
or reflexed shorter lobes;
St 8 in 2 whorls, included or ± exserted;
Fil inserted on the Cl tube at different levels from bottom to top;
NSc 4, free;
Ca 4, free to basally somewhat connate;
Sty shorter or longer than the Ca;
Fr erect follicles;
Se numerous, minute, usually grooved, ridged or rugulose.