


Annual or perennial herbs, or dwarf to arborescent shrubs to 2.5 m tall, rarely geophytes with tubers;

根 纖維質到肉質

Root fibrous to fleshy;

分株 多肉,有時會木質化。

Branch succulent, sometimes becoming woody;

葉片 十字對生,一對同生,厚肉質到膜狀,持續或落葉,無柄或短葉柄,完整,基部有葉鞘,光亮或毛狀或纖毛,有時有明顯的排水器。

Leaves decussate, ± connate within a pair, thickly fleshy to membranous, persistent or deciduous, sessile or shortly petiolate, entire, sheathing basally, glabrous or hairy or papillate, sometimes with conspicuous hydathodes;

花序 帶有單一到多個二歧聚繖花序(dichasium)的聚繖圓錐花序thyrse(主總狀、支聚繖),有時部分花序會聚集成球狀,很少是單一花朵。

Inf thyrses with solitary to numerous dichasia, sometimes part-Inf glomerate, rarely reduced to solitary Fl;

苞葉 通常像葉片

Bract often leaves-like;

總花梗 存在或與分枝不易區分,短於或相當於葉片長度

peduncle present or indistinct with branchs shorter or as long as the L;

花朵 通常4到5瓣,單系列雄蕊(=花瓣),大部分都很小

Fl (2- to) 4- to 5- (to 12-) merous, haplostemonous, mostly small;

萼片 4-5,基底溶合


Sep (2-) 4- 5 (-12), fused shortly at the base;

花瓣 4-5,基底合生,頂端通常附加?

Pet (2-) 4 - 5 (-12), shortly connate basally, tips often appendaged;

雄蕊 單一漩渦,基底同生於花瓣並與之交錯(?這要觀察)

St in a single whorl, basally adnate to Pet and alternate with them;

花藥 內含或伸出,沒有端點附加(?)

Anth included or exserted, without terminal appendage;

Nectar scale flat to thickish;

Ca free to sligthly immersed into the receptacle and gradually constricted into short or long Sty terminating in single stigma;

    創作者 快樂的園丁 的頭像


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