首先說明一下,這厚葉草是直接從屬名翻譯來的,Pachy-來自於希臘文Gr. 'pachys', 意思就是厚,-phytum的意思是植物,通常指具有厚葉的植物。

下面是IWSP(Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants), 2003對植株各部位的描述(老爹做了點增減):

Stems first erect,15 - 50 (-70) cm, mostly decumbent with age to pendent and to >=1 m, 0.6 - 2.5 (-3.5) cm diameter, simple or mostly basally (rarely further up) few-branched﹔

照片1. 千代田之松。

Rosette 6 - 20 cm , with 10 - 40 (-80) mostly ± conspicuously separate leaves (esp. below, but generally more densely arranged towards branch tips)﹔

Leave young often 土erect, later 土spreading, old often土recurved,± obovate to spatulate or elliptic-oblong or (ob-) lanceolate, (土) obtuse to acute, rarely mucronate, mostly± conspicuously glaucous-farinose, upper face usually土flat or slightly convex to concave, lower face 土rounded﹔

照片2. 千代田之松的花序

Inflorescence lateral from the Ax of the upper (to middle) leaves, ±erect, lower (4-) 10 - 20 (-26) c leaves-Iess, above with (3-) 6 - 9 (-12) Bra,

Bract leaves-like, mostly caducous at flowering time, basally (always?) spurred; 


Inflorescence scorpioid, almost always simple, first ± strongly arching over, later almost always ± erect to ascending, with (3-) 6 - 28 (-50) Fl, 2 - 25 (-36) cm, fertile

Bract first usually土overlapping,± elliptic to (ob-) ovate or lanceolate, basally often士sagittate to am­plexicaul or spurred with ± 2 teeth﹔

Ped 2 - 15 (-38) mm, thickened towards tip﹔

花朵:五瓣,外轮对瓣的(註:雄蕊的外環對花瓣、內環對萼片having the stamens of the outer whorl opposite the petals and those of the inner whorl opposite the sepals)

Flower 5- (rarely 6-) meros, obdiplostemonous﹔

Sepal erect, placed against the Cl, shape very variable, mostly (often strongly) unequ­al﹔

花冠:管狀、圓桶狀或鐘形,通常是5角形,直徑基底5.5 - 17 × 3.5 - 10 mm、 端部4.5-17mm, 白色到玫瑰色,很少橘色到紅色。
Cl tubular, barrel-shaped or campanulate, some­ times 5-angled, 5.5 - 17 × 3.5 - 10 (basal) to 4.5 - 17 apical) mm,white to rose-coloured, rarely orange to red or reddish;

照片 立田的花朵

花瓣:長橢圓形到倒披針形,長度7 - 17 × 2.5 - 6 mm,(以下未完成)
Petal oblong to oblanceolate, 7 - 17 × 2.5 - 6 mm, tube 0.2 - 1.8 mm, mostly 土0.5 mm, lobes basally erect and ± open, apically overlapping in bud, at anthesis mostly士spreading to recurved above the middle,acute to obtuse, in­side in the upper middle or below the tip often with a 士 red spot, laterally near the base with appendages which form 2 free 0.5 - 2 × 1 - 2 mm large Scale be­neath the filamets and thus close the lower nectar­containing part of the corolla﹔


stamens in 2 series﹔epipetal filaments fused with the corolla for ( 1.5-) 2 - 4 mm, episepal flower completely or almost free﹔

Nectar scale 0.3 - 0.9× 1 - 2.8 mm,± yellowish (-white)﹔


Carpels first always erect, ± free, with numerous ovules, 4 - 10 × 3 - 6 mm (ovary+style)﹔


Style inconspicuously offset to abruptly narrowing, 1 - 2 (-3) mm,土green to greenish or red; fruit mostly ± divergent, partly or± completely open­ing along the suture﹔

Seeds± obovoid, (0.3-) 0.5 - 0.8 × 0.25 - 0.4 mm, testa cells smooth-concave (always?),± red-brown. 

The genus is esp. characterized by the scale-like appendages of the corolla lobes. These scales are outgrowths of the petal margins (Leinfellner 1954).

Pachyphytum appears to be closest to Echeveria,based on the upright corolla fused for most of its length in both genera. 

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